Tuesday, August 11

50 Things to be Miserable about... Yay (inspired by 50 things to be thankful about)

1. Red Lights
2. People who go 10 mph under the speed limit
3. Untrusting people
4. Phones breaking
5. Gaining weight
6. Homework
7. Extreme wind
8. Meowing cats waking me up
9. Construction people waking me up
10. Anything waking me up
11. Orange Peel hours
12. Flat tires
13. Batteries dying (in cars)
14. Breaking down at 1 am an hour and a half from home
15. Cars breaking down of any type
16. School starting 20 mins after Orange Peel opens so I don't have time to get one
17. People disliking me
18. Annoying people
19. People being rude for no reason
20. The heat, I'm talking 100+ heat
21. Not being able to go buy a Dr. Pepper because I went on a stupid lets-not-drink-soda-because-it's-bad-for-you-plan
22. Not shaving
23. Other people not shaving
24. Breaking out
25. Camping
26. Burning myself
27. Girls making themselves look bad when they generally wouldn't but they buy shirts 5 sizes too small
28. Hearing a song over and over and over when you used to like it
29. Listening to an entire song
30. People not answering my text messages
31. Getting my picture taken
32. My dad being moody when it's not my fault
33. When people try to tell me to do something
34. Broccoli
35. Ranch Dressing
36. When people are shit asses to my sisters
37. When my grandpa coughs (trust me it sounds horrible)
38. When my grandpa uses my bathroom (ewww)
39. Going to school
40. Flat out stupid people
41. Bad grammar
42. People stating opinions that I find completly wrong
43. Unclean people
44. People who don't take care of their children well
45. Fun ruiners
46. When guys have longer finger nails than I do
47. People talking rude about anyone I care about
48. People gossiping a lot (I mean sometimes I catch myself doing it, but if it's every day that's a problem)
49. Periods
50. Being scared (of everything)