Thursday, July 30

Everyone's shittin' on Jordan

In case you think I'm joking.. I'm not. This is offically been my shit week. See I was excited for this week which is what sucks really because of course something that seeems perfect will go completely wrong.

Anyway, my parents leave for Hawaii Sunday and so it's just going to be MacKenzie and myself. Oh who am I kidding... I know Randi will be around too since Trenton's gone. But in theory it's just MacKenzie and I. Which is pretty easy since she likes to be off with her friends so I figured I'd be alone a lot which I love. No. That didn't happen. Nah MacKenzie decided that Ciara and her would have party central.
Two words. Endless Screaming. Like okay we now you're happy and we now you're hyper, but hush every now and then. I love them, don't get me wrong, but I had a headache. See Tuesday I started feeling sick, I got a sore throat, a headache, and I wanted to die. (First thing to get me irritated) Then on Wednesday I burn my hand pouring hot boiling water. It's kinda a long story how that happened and I probably sound like I'm extremely uncordinated and I kinda am. With hot things this is the second time I've seriously burnt myself the other one was while camping and it was from the fire. Camping sucks.

Anyway, MacKenzie and Ciara and to have everyone and their dog over, but I'm trying to be the nice cool sister who doesn't freak out. But MacKenzie pulls some drama shit and I hate handling teenage girls (since I'm a perfect one so it's easy to deal with myself) and I'm not ready to have children. Just sayin...

Oh my gosh this is why I love What I Like About You (the TV show if you don't know that) this may have just made me happy...
Holly: I finally just figured out the perfect way to get Ben's confidence back.
Tina: You want me to sleep with him?
Holly: Tina, we've talked about this, when trying to solve problems we use our words not our lady parts.
Tina: Oh I always forget that.
Holly: I know.

Man, love this show.

Anyway, so on like Monday (like I said my parents are gone so I'm borrowing my cousin's car) the battery dies on the car. So my old Bishop tries to help, but it's just dead.... So long story short my lovely Aunt and Uncle come over and fix it for me because I'm stupid and can't do it myself. Problem solved we can move on.

Thursday (today) I drive to go get me some food because I just cleaned the house and I don't want it dirty and this weird noise happens. I call my dad try and explain he tells me to just keep driving I ignore him because I'm paranoid... I get home and my neighbor comes over and I have a flat. So he helps me put the spare on the stupid car that hates me.

And now I'm sneezing so I might be more sick and I'm hungry.

Screw shit week.
P.S. I think God just tried to apologize to me... I was taking out the trash and it started sprinkling on me. Thanks.